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Among the tourists questioned, those who use tree houses go there mostly as a couple (55%) and with their family (41%). They prefer short stays like weekends (72%). Their priority: the environment. They are looking for a natural (50%) and original (28%) setting.

*5 Coach omnium. « Des hébergements alternatifs et insolites pour compléter une offre hôtelière »,, juin 2016


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If you start your rental operation in May and rent only 80 days out of the 6 month period ending in October. You will accumulate $12,000* in rental income for that period. Knowing that a fully equipped MOON costs $22,000 including installation, it will take you less than two years to fully recoup your investment. 


*Rental calculation of $150 / day

The cost of implementation is minimal, as there is very little site preparation required for a MOON. People are looking for an immersion experience in nature and a minimal impact on the natural environment.


Moreover, our team is there to guide you in your steps and in the implementation. 

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